Diabetes is an excess of sugar in the blood. It occurs when the pancreas does not produce the hormone insulin or does so insufficiently Without enough insulin, or with little of it, the blood sugar rises causing frequent urination, constant thirst, weakness, fatigue, and cardiovascular and renal damage.
There are two main types of diabetes. The more serious but less common is the type I, which affects children and sometimes young adults. In these cases, affected people must inject insulin because their pancreas does not produce it.

Type II diabetes is almost always manifiesa after forty years. The persoans affected by this form of enferemedad usually have too much insulin, but it fails in its function because the cells are resistant to it. It is known also as non-insulin dependent diabetes and accounts for 90% of cases If a person wants to determine their levels of blood glucose should realia two exams: one in fasting and another two hours after a meal. In fasting normal sugar content should be of 80-120 mg per 100 ml of blood. Two hours after the meal, should be 160 mg per 100 ml of blood Any result greater than this requires immediate medical examination.
Because nutrition plays an important role on the amount of sugar circulating in the blood, home remedies and natural food just used that help blood sugar levels remain controlled and which are described below:

Cure Diabetes # 1: The most famous traditional remedy in relation to this disease is the pulp of aloe vera as is known in some countries.
Cure Diabetes # 2: Other beneficial foods are regarded as artichokes and sage. In this sense, the sage wine is excellent to lower blood sugar. In preparing it, should be boiled100 grams leaves sage in a liter of wine for two minutes. Allow to cool and strain. It is necessary to drink a cup after each meal.
Cure Diabetes # 3 For diabetics, following infusion nettle is good, because it reduces blood glucose. It consists of 25 g of nettle root and ½ liter of water. Is boiled nettle root in water, to simmer for a few minutes and then remove from heat and slips.
Cure Diabetes # 4 Other foods that help control sugar are theonion, garlic, Alimena fiber-rich, heavy, barley, Broccoli, curry, cinnamon, Oats, nuts, fruits and vegetables.
Cure Diabetes # 5 Eating fresh parsley fasting.
Cure Diabetes # 6 Take some sprigs of parsley and marinate in white wine overnight. Then take one cup during the next day.
Cure Diabetes # 7 Make a decoction of walnut leaves and a cup a day
Causes of Diabetes
There are many reasons why people develop diabetes they can be infection of the pancreas, weight, stress, in activeness, age, family history, race, high blood pressure, poor nutrition, and gender. Some people can develop diabetes but their blood sugar level may not be high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. This is a condition that if it is not caught it could turn into type 2 diabetes.

Sometimes diabetes can be caused by an infection in the pancreas. When this happens the pancreas will not produce enough insulin and sugar can build up in the blood stream. The sugar then will not move to the cell.
Health professionals have stated that if your waist is bigger then thirty five inches, you have some risk of developing diabetes. Inactive people are at a high risk more so the in people that exercise two to three times a week. You do not need to go to the gym just a brisk walk for thirty minutes can help.
The risk of developing diabetes get higher as you get older. There have been studies done that prove that eighty percent of people who develop diabetes are over the age of forty five.

Another factor for diabetes is your family history has a lot to do with if you are going to get it or not. If you have a parent or a relative that is close that has diabetes then that means that you are at risk for developing diabetes. You share the same genes and it could be reversed if there is some sort of preventive measure.
Eating foods with fiber According to studies, natural fiber from foods such as whole wheat, barley, oats, legumes, vegetables and fruit is especially beneficial to diabetics by reducing blood cholesterol, control weight and also help you feel less hungry.
Eating less and more often. Because the diabetic’s body can more easily digest smaller amounts of food, as this requires less insulin to control the amount of glucose that comes from each food, it is suggested that instead of eating three large meals were divided into six small meals.
Beware of hidden sugar There are foods that raise blood sugar and therefore is better than a diabetic do not consume such as:
· Corn flakes, honey
· Carrot potatoes and beets, biscuits, choclatina
· Bread includes white flour
· White and brown rice raisin apple banana, grapes
· Ice cream, whole milk and skim yogurt

Baby Teeth Due or that diabetics are more susceptible to infections, it is necessary to keep your gums and teeth healthy. This requires you to do everything that usually makes a person without diabetes, but in a more meticulous which includes brushing, flossing and visiting the dentist to control plaque and tartar.
Care and protect your feet Because of the damage that diabetes causes nerve lowers the pain sensation (the diabetic does not realize when they have a wound), requires the constant review of the feet (you can use a mirror if required) to make sure you do not have blisters, small cuts or injuries that may become a big problem. If you experience any irregularities, it should act as follows.
· Wash the affected area and put a tape type paper or cloth (not plastic because it weakens the skin to remove).
· Visit a doctor if the injury does not heal or show signs of infection such as redness, red streaks, warmth or swelling.
Prevention recommendations related to the diabetic foot are:
· Wash, rinse and dry your feet, because a clean up is less prone to infections.
· Apply moisturizing lotion or cream on the feet, but avoid applying it between her fingers.
· Cut toenails straight across, taking care not to produce any cut.
· Do not use a pumice stone or callus grubbers, which can irritate the foot and cause possible injury. If you have calluses, see a podiatrist
· Choose shoes carefully, because, when buying a new one very close can cause blisters and may even hinder the circulation of blood
· Change socks or stockings for clean ones every day
· Avoid walking barefoot (both inside and outside the house
· Examine your shoes daily for any item (such as a nail or glass) that can damage the skin of the feet.
Do not use heating pads to warm your feet.
Stop smoking, since it impedes the risk of blood in the feet which can lead to amputation.
Caring for the weight Excess weight is the most serious problem in type II diabetics. So, keep a healthy weight. If not, you should not start a diet without medical supervision.
Exercise Should be developed in conjunction with the physician, an exercise program, because if you do one of great effort, can be dangerous (it can produce up to a neuropathy or dehydration).
A highly recommended exercise is walking. This should be
· Acquiring the right shoes and when they begin to show signs of wear, must be replaced by new ones.
· Leave your car parked where available,
· Try to walk more steps each week and keep a record about it.
· Seek an exercise buddy as they walk together is more fun.
· Up and down stairs instead of taking the elevator
· If you feel pain when walking, stop the exercises and consult your doctor
Keeping a diary In a diary, the diabetic can note certain factors in order to keep them under control as:
Body weight.
The presence of glucose and ketones in the urine.
The level of glucose in the blood.