Online videos are more than a fashionable trend because after a modest introduction in the middle of the 1990s, video clips have not only become popular during the past few years, but they are also considered a must-have feature in any website sticking to the modern browser-compliance and Web 2 regulations ruled by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Videos emerge as a technology intimately tied to television, although movies have served of it as well. However videos were meant to assistant live TV programs facilitating their production by recording, planning schedules, and storage the programs for later error free playback, since live television was subject to air any mistake.

The first videos were known as videotapes and appeared in the late 1950s, although videos did not consolidate its application until the mid-1960s when the Olympic Games of Tokyo were videotaped for deferred transmission. Video recording arrived to the households by the hand of the Sony Corporation's technology that released a portable camera in 1968 and Philips launched the first video cassette recorder (VCR) in 1970.

Video cassette recorders granted to people a world of new possibilities using the new technology to record their everyday experiences, including family and social events, but also expressing visually ideas or support their research, or using video to transmit information or reveals injustices. Videos cassette recorders were also implemented to monitor banks and public places, among many other uses.

Video clips are short pieces of a full-length video, differing from these in size and subject, since a video clip has not be regulated by any industrial or commercial production or technical and editorial edition. Movies were originally made of a composition of film clips, also known as footage. A movie requires from a few hundreds to thousands of video clips to become a full-length films.

However a series of video clips alone can be turned into TV shows, movie trailers, video music and more recently in "how to" material displayed at popular blogs. Some website can rotate millions of video clips a day, but when it comes to the latest funny UTube video clips, there is only place to go,

Funny videos clips include a wide range of footage, including music videos, movies videos, TV videos and many other UTube funny video moments. Online videos achieved huge success in 2006, and thanks to its digital format, they can be easily shared and uploaded rather than distributed on media such as videocassettes, CDs and DVDs, as they are still available.

News, sports, MTV music, live concerts, recent movies trailers, infomercial, banned commercials, and even fishing UTube can be found among the latest funny UTube video clips online at, website that allow everybody upload and share video clips that are perfectly organized into popular and easily browsable categories.

Finding videos online could be easy, but finding the latest funny videos is only possible at this website so do not wait for longer because fun cannot wait to help you relief your stress after a hard work day.

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