What’s your definition of beautiful skin? Is it an even tan or do your prefer beautiful pale skin? It seems that most people want what they don’t have. It’s kind of natural to admire and desire that which is less common. So, it is not unusual to see a woman with darker pigmentation buying a whitener or a light skinned woman buying a sun-less tanner.
Regardless of your personal definition of beautiful skin, there is no doubt that blemishes, age-spots, unevenly pigmented areas, wrinkles and sagging are undesirable. There are safe and natural ingredients that can help you achieve your desired goal, but there are some ingredients that should be avoided at all costs.
For example, if you want beautiful pale skin, you may be interested in a whitener, but most of them contain hydroquinone. Not to be confused with ubiquinone, which is commonly known as coenzyme Q10, hydroquinone has been known to cause the appearance of small black bumps all over the face and body. It is a possible human carcinogen that is not permitted in cosmetics in some countries.
Petroleum based alcohols are enemies of beautiful pale skin. They change the skin’s natural pH balance, promote age spots and make your skin’s cells vulnerable to bacterial and fungal infections. Any kind of infection or irritation causes increased production of inflammatory molecules, which in turn can cause redness, spider veins and contribute to rosacea. You should also avoid artificial preservatives, because they are common irritants, as well. But, that’s enough about the bad stuff that’s on the market. Let’s look at some of the good things.
There is a natural ingredient extracted from a kind of nut-grass root that can help you get beautiful pale skin. It has been shown in clinical studies to lighten as much as 40%. It is non-irritating. In fact, it was originally used to soothe irritation. Its whitening properties were discovered later. Look for “EXTRAPONE NUTGRASS”, for the safest and best results.
Other ingredients are necessary to counter and/or delay the signs of aging. For firm and beautiful skin, look for CYNERGY TK. It has been shown to increase firmness by 40% or more, in just a few weeks. It also stimulates the production of collagen and inhibits the production of those inflammatory molecules that I mentioned above.
If you’re anything like me, you believed that beautiful skin was tan, especially when you were younger. The affects of sun-bathing or just spending a lot of times outdoors, without protection, are some of the causes of an aged appearance. At one time, the sun was blamed for 90% of wrinkles, sagging, age spots and similar signs.
Now, it is known that it is not technically the sun, but free radical damage, triggered by UV rays from the sun that cause these things. To prevent and repair free radical damage, antioxidants are the only effective ingredients.
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