We all study physics in high school. We have studied his theories and many scientific equations. While we all know, or maybe not all, about the things he has written, discovered, and thought of, we don’t know that much about Albert Einstein. So, here are some Albert Einstein fun facts to let us get to know more about this genius.

Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in the city Ulm, Kingdom of Württemberg, Germany to a Jewish couple, Hermann and Pauline Einstein. Albert was born with an abnormally large head that his mother thought he was deformed. The back of his head was too big that the family considered monstrosity but later on, after some weeks, the shape and size of Einstein’s head was normal.
Growing up, Einstein had difficulty in speaking. He would seldom speak and when he did, he spoke slowly. Einstein would actually try out entire sentences in his mind or mutter them under his breath before speaking them out loud. He did this until he was nine, making his parents worry that he may be retarded.
And so how did this late talker end up a genius? It all started with a compass. When he was 5 years old, Einstein was sick in bed. Then his father brought and showed him a compass. It was a compass that sparked his interest in science with its arrow always pointing to one direction no matter how you turn the case around.
Despite his intellectual capabilities in math and science, Einstein also experienced failure. He failed to pass his entrance exams to the Swiss Federal Polytechnical School, now called Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH). When he first took the exam, he passed the math and science parts of the test but failed languages, history, geography, and others. He had to go to trade school for a year before retaking the exam. Einstein passed on his second take.
Einstein married his first wife, Mileva, in 1903. But before they could tie up the knot, they had an illegitimate daughter, Lieserl. Einstein never saw his daughter and there is very little known about her. Einstein later had two sons with Mileva, Hans Albert and Eduard. But sadly, Einstein’s fame made it difficult for his family. The constant traveling made Einstein estranged from his wife. He even proposed a contract on how they would interact. Eventually, his marriage ended with a divorce. And it was the divorce that pushed his son, Hans, further away from him.
Little did we know that Albert Einstein was, in fact, a ladies’ man. After he divorced Mileva, Einstein married his cousin, Elsa. Elsa wasn’t really his first choice. He wanted to marry Elsa’s daughter from her first marriage, Isle, who was 18 years younger than Einstein. But Isle demurred. She was no attracted to Einstein and saw him more as a fatherly figure. Because of this, infidelity was one of the reasons thought to cause his divorce with Mileva.
However, it seems that the fame was too much for Mileva to handle. Albert was constantly away, traveling to places to give talks about his theories. In fact, when he lived in the U.S., people approached him often and asked him to explain his theories. Later, Einstein was able to come up with an excuse to get away from all the attention. He told people that he was always mistaken for Professor Einstein.
Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics on December, 1922. However, he was not able to attend the ceremony. He was traveling in Japan at that time. Among many things given to Einstein, one was the offer to become the president of Israel. But Albert Einstein turned it down.
Albert Einstein is truly one of greatest men that ever lived. He is a true genius. He died on April 18, 1995 in Princeton, New Jersey, USA. Sadly, nobody knows what his final words were. The nurse on his deathbed didn’t understand German. His great brain is now preserved.