You usually take drugs and other substances with therapeutic effects in order to make you feel better. However, these drugs vary on how long they stay in your system. Some could last only for a few hours while others could even take as long as several months. Knowing how long these substances stay in your system is very important. This does not only give you additional knowledge, but it also helps you become aware of its side effects and the proper ways in dealing with it. One of the most common substances that are used by people nowadays is none other than marijuana. Marijuana, which is also known as weed or cannabis, is a very strong psychoactive substance. This is one of the many reasons why you should always know how long does weed stay in your system.
 Before knowing the answer to this question, you should first know some helpful information with regards to this substance. Marijuana or weed is a mixture of shredded leaves, stems, seeds and flowers of the hemp plant. This mixture is considered as fat soluble and is stored in the cells of the major organs of your body such as the brain, kidney and the liver. However, what makes the weed different from other plants is that it contains a psychoactive substance, which is known as TCH or tetrahydrocannabinol. Aside from this, marijuana also contains several other chemicals, mostly cannabinoids that can emphasize the effects of the TCH. Because of these components, the effects of the weed could last very long in our system. But the question is, how long?
Weed usually last depending on several factors. These factors include the weight or the size of the person taking the substances as well as the age, diet, fluid intake, metabolism, current health, degree of exposure to toxin, method used in taking the substance as well as the amount of weed utilized. Nevertheless, you can still conclude that weed can stay inside your body for as short as 3 days to as long as 90 days or approximately 3 months. This also depends on the half life of the said drug or substance. Half life would mean the rate of the drug as it is gradually eliminated out of the body. Usually the half life of the drug would take about 1 to 10 days. This would likewise suggest that traceable amounts could still be detected via urine drug testing even after 1 month. If you smoke occasionally only, then the drug could stay only for 10 days. If this is done frequently, it could last as long as 45 days. But, if it is already a habit to smoke regularly, then we could expect it to last for at least 3 months.
The speed of it entering your system also varies on the way it is taken in. if it is done through smoking, then the substance could enter the bloodstream in a few minutes, but if it is done orally, it could take at least 20 minutes to as long as 1 and half hours. These are just some of the things that you need to know about weeds. It is indeed important for you to know not just the effects and the indications of these drugs or substances, but as well as the length it stays in your system.