Our eyes are one of the most delicate parts of our body. However, they are also considered one of the most important. Without our eyes, we are not able to visualize and witness all the beautiful things that surround us. This is because our eyes are the ones that enable us to see. Unfortunately, various problems such as diseases and disorders can hinder us from using or utilizing the benefits of our eyes. Some of these include cataract formation, glaucoma, blurring of vision and so much more. Another problem that could also affect our eyes is none other than eye twitching. Most of us would usually just ignore it if we experience this kind of problem. However, taking this for granted can actually result to more problems in the future. This is the reason why we should always be aware of the different details of this eye condition. So what does it mean when our eye twitches?
 First of all, what is eye twitching? Eye twitching is a type of condition that refers primarily to the involuntary twitching or movement of the muscles near the eye or of the eyelid. This is otherwise another type of eye spasm. There are times when the eyelid twitches repetitively or constantly that it becomes very rhythmic thus causing the eyelid to completely close. This condition or eye spasm can be caused by various factors that are medically related. However, some may also relate the meaning of eye twitches to many myths and superstitions. One of these superstitions says that when the right eye is blinking, it means that it’s good luck; however, if the left eye is the one having twitches, then it is supposed to be bad luck. Nevertheless, despite all these beliefs, medical intervention is the only thing that could be used in order to treat this problem.
Eye twitching is also called blepharospasm in medical terms. The degree of this problem usually varies on a case to case basis. Some experience severe spasms while others can also experience minor twitching only. These twitches are mostly related to facial nerve problems; however, specific causes as to why these nerves are not functioning properly are still unknown. Nonetheless, some factors such as stress, fatigue and lack of sleep are seen as triggering factors for this condition. In addition to these, drinking of (too much) alcohol, allergies, nutritional deficiencies and excessive intake of caffeine are also considered related to this problem. So what are the treatments for eye twitches?
Commonly, eye twitches only disappears or resolves on its own despite not having any medical management. Nevertheless, we could still do some intervention in order to hasten its symptoms. One of these is by applying warm compress on the affected eye while massaging the area gently. This can help soothe the eye muscles thus hindering it from any spasms. In case if it is caused by allergies, we can always try to wash our eyes or even take antihistamines or anti-allergy medications in order to remove the allergic reaction. These are just some of the ways we could treat this kind of eye problem. Now that we are already aware of the different information about eye twitching, we can definitely combat this problem a lot easier.